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2023 AI in Dog Care Report

AI in Dog Care Key Insights - 2023:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has officially gone to the dogs. Let’s get right into the top 5 takeaways from our 2023 AI in Dog Care Report:

1. The majority of dog owners are interested in using AI in dog care.

More than half of dog owners (54.5%) say they are open to using AI to improve their dogs’ health and wellness while nearly 1 in 4 (23.8%) have reservations. 

2. Dog owners want AI to help them create a better life for their dogs.

The top reason (46%) dog owners would use AI is to create a better life for their dogs through better choices as a dog owner, with staying up-to-date on their dog’s health (40.5%) and dog care cost savings (38.9%) being close behind.

3. Accuracy and reliability of AI rank as top concerns for dog owners.

More than a third of dog owners (35.3%) say that accuracy and reliability rank as their top concern about AI while lack of familiarity with AI (33%) and uncertainty about the cost of AI (31.9%) also being top-of-mind.

4. AI is a complement to expert pet care, not a replacement.

Dog owners report that their in-person veterinarian is the only source of completely trustworthy information (48.7%) but also rely on pet store staff, breeders, shelter operators, blogs, forums, and even AI-powered smartphone apps to supplement information they learn from their vet.

5. Care gap emerges as a key opportunity for AI to create value.  

A third of dog owners (34%) research at-home care when their dog is sick and nearly the same (31.5%) contact their vet immediately. Meanwhile, about half of all vet visits (46.5%) result in no treatment. Dog owners seem eager for personalized, credible knowledge, solutions and triage advice that AI is in a perfect position to provide.

Now that we’ve covered the major headlines, let’s take a step back and examine how we created the 2023 AI in Dog Care Report and what it means for you, your dog, and the future.

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🐾 Introduction to AI in Dog Care: A New Leash on Life!

Furry friends, wagging tails, and endless love; our dogs bring us so much joy, don't they? But as all passionate pet parents know, keeping our canine companions happy and healthy requires a whole lot of love, dedication, and yes, a bit of wisdom too.

Enter AI (Artificial Intelligence) – a game-changer that's bringing a new bark to the park! 🚀 Imagine if our best friend's health and happiness were supercharged with the same technology that fills today’s headlines.

Well, it's happening, and that’s why we created the first-ever AI in Dog Care Report. From puppyhood to those precious golden years, AI is helping us understand our pets like never before. How, you ask? 🐶

  • Personalized Care: AI can give us insights tailored to our dog's breed, age, weight, and even their quirky habits. Every dog is unique, and now their care can be too!

  • 24/7 Assistance: Need a quick answer to why Fido is favoring his left paw? AI-powered chatbots can offer immediate advice, making those middle-of-the-night Google searches a thing of the past.

  • Monitoring Wellness and More: From tracking a balanced diet to monitoring physical activity, AI is the helpful assistant in managing our fur baby's wellness, one wag at a time.

  • Behavioral Coaching: Is your pup's barking driving the neighbors barking mad? AI can lend a paw with personalized training tips and advice that help demystify dog behavior and create a more enjoyable cohabitation experience for both you and your dog.

It sounds futuristic, but it's here today, making a splash in the water bowl of dog care. And the best part? It's not about replacing our trusted veterinarians but complementing their expert care with on-demand support.

This report is all about exploring how AI is reshaping dog care, and just how you, fellow dog lover, feel about it. Are you curious? Excited? Maybe a bit skeptical? We've got your thoughts, right from the source.

So, put on your reading glasses, give your pup a belly rub, and join us on this exciting journey. After all, if our dogs could read, they'd be all ears too! 🐕💕

Background and Methods

Daisy Pet, Inc, an AI-powered pet care company, commissioned Brandata, a brand and market research consultancy, to conduct a nationally representative survey of 1,089 U.S. dog owners about their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to the use of AI in dog care.

The survey was conducted via the Pollfish survey platform between July 24 - July 26, 2023 and was designed to produce an average margin of error of +/- 2% with 90% a confidence interval. 

Visit the AI in Dog Care Report - 2023 dashboard to see survey demographics, full results, and key segmentation filters: https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/28a028ee-ec3e-4482-94cf-d56e40a6ab04/page/FbwwB

Let’s leash up and get going! The future of dog care is calling, and it's got your pup's name on it. 🎉🐶

Section One: Adoption, Motivations, and Values in AI Dog Care

In this section, we delve into the emerging landscape of AI-based solutions for dog care. As technology continues to evolve, so does its potential to significantly impact how we care for our furry friends. We present survey data that paints a promising picture of the potential adopters of these AI solutions, exploring not only their willingness to use these tools but also their comfort with sharing sensitive health data. This section will unravel key insights into the motivations and values that underlie this openness, such as a heartfelt desire to improve their dogs' lives through informed choices, an attraction to the personalized and accurate care these tools can offer, and an enthusiasm for embracing innovative technologies.

Profile of Potential Adopters of AI-based Dog Care Solutions

Our survey reveals a promising landscape for the adoption of AI in dog care. A notable 22% of respondents are extremely likely to use a smartphone app to help raise a healthier, happier dog, with a substantial 37.6% being very likely. As for comfort with sharing their dog’s health data with an app, a combined 71.9% of dog owners are very or somewhat comfortable with the concept, indicating trust in the security and potential benefits of these services.

Survey Insight:

  • Early adopters and innovators, who are usually the first to try new technologies, make up 36.2% of our respondents, suggesting a strong initial user base for AI dog care solutions.

Attitudes Towards Using AI-powered Tools and Services for Dog Care

Dog owners’ attitudes toward using AI tools are generally positive, but with varying levels of enthusiasm. 28.2% of respondents are very open to using AI for their dog’s health and wellness, believing it might greatly improve their care, while 26.3% are somewhat open but hold reservations.

Survey Insight:

  • Only a small percentage (7.1%) are strongly against using AI in their dog’s care, while another 16.7% of dog owners were skeptical and would prefer traditional methods.

Desire for Improving Dog's Life Through Informed Choices

The data suggests that dog owners are driven by a heartfelt desire to provide the best for their pets. A notable 46% of respondents see the primary benefit of AI tools as creating a better life for their dogs through more informed choices as an owner.

Survey Insight:

  • A significant number of respondents (40.5%) are also interested in regular, easy-to-understand health reports, indicating a demand for clear and actionable insights from these tools.

Interest in Accuracy, Personalized Care, and Health Visualizations

Dog owners are attracted to the potential for more accurate and personalized care. 35.7% of respondents are interested in improving the accuracy and effectiveness of their dog’s care through personalized recommendations.

Survey Insight:

  • This suggests a market for AI tools that learn and adapt based on each dog’s unique health data and behavior, offering tailored advice rather than one-size-fits-all solutions.

Exploration of Innovative Technology, Convenience, Training, and Behavioral Aspects

In our digital age, many dog owners are tech-savvy and open to novel solutions for pet care. 31.7% of respondents are excited to explore innovative and cutting-edge technology for their dogs' care, emphasizing the appeal of modern, technologically advanced tools.

Survey Insight:

  • A meaningful percentage of respondents (35%) are interested in having on-demand access to a health and wellness AI chat coach for quick advice and support, signaling a demand for immediate, expert-backed assistance without the need for a vet visit.


This section reveals a generally positive and open attitude among dog owners toward the integration of AI technology into their pet care routines.

Most compelling is the emotional driver behind this openness: a deep-seated desire to provide the best possible life for their pets, guided by precise, personalized advice.

As technology evolves, and with the right marketing strategy, these AI tools may not only find a willing user base but could become essential tools in the modern dog owner's toolkit.

Section Two: Barriers and Concerns in Adopting AI Dog Care

Despite the significant potential of AI in enhancing dog care, adoption is not without its hurdles. This section provides an in-depth look into the reservations and concerns held by dog owners considering the use of AI tools in caring for their pets. Here, we explore the crucial issues of trust, especially concerning the accuracy and reliability of AI technology, and the perceived high costs associated with these tools. Further, we address the role of veterinarians in this new landscape and the emotional and philosophical issues that arise when technology meets pet care. Through survey data, we highlight the varying perspectives and sensitivities that define this space, pointing to the specific needs that companies must address to facilitate widespread adoption of these AI tools.

Accuracy and Reliability: Trust Comes First

Survey results reveal that 35.3% of dog owners are apprehensive about the accuracy and reliability of AI technology in dog care. For pet parents who treat their furry friend as family, trust is paramount.

Survey Insight:

  • Building trust is essential. Companies entering this space need to produce effective and transparent solutions. Demonstrating the rigorous science and testing behind AI algorithms is not a nicety—it's a necessity.

The Cost Question: Is It Worth the Price Tag?

With 31.9% of pet parents worrying about the potential cost of using AI-powered tools, affordability is a critical factor in adoption.

Survey Insight:

  • For many, it's a question of value rather than cost. Clear communication about the potential for cost savings through preventative health strategies could turn skeptics into believers.

The Vet’s Role: A Complement, Not a Replacement

For 29.8% of respondents, the veterinarian's office is a trusted space, and they do not believe that AI can replace the expertise of a vet.

Survey Insight:

  • The narrative is key here—AI should be positioned as a powerful ally that works alongside veterinarians, not as a replacement. It's about collaboration and enhancement, not substitution.

Additional Perspectives and Concerns

Summarizing Pet Parent Concerns

In a world where technology is increasingly integral to daily lives, this section explores why some pet parents might hesitate to integrate AI into their dog care routine. While there is interest in AI tools, the data clearly shows real and perceived barriers to adoption, from trust and cost concerns to worries about the role of veterinarians and data privacy. Interestingly, a portion of respondents is seemingly ready to embrace this technology, indicating an opportunity for industry players to address these barriers and align their offerings with consumer needs and concerns.

Section Three: Desired Features and User Preferences in AI Dog Care

Moving beyond the adoption stage, this section focuses on what potential users of AI dog care solutions are explicitly looking for in these tools. As our survey findings indicate, there is a pronounced demand for various features, ranging from centralized health dashboards to personalized and interactive AI functionalities. We further explore the openness among dog owners to explore advanced and perhaps unconventional tools, and the strong emphasis placed on nutrition and diet management. Despite the interest, a subset of respondents remains hesitant or resistant, marking the need for thoughtful design and privacy measures. This section will dive deep into the desired functionalities and preferences that will likely shape the future development of AI dog care tools, offering insights that can guide innovators in crafting solutions that not only meet but exceed pet parents’ expectations.

Profile of Enthusiastic Adopters of AI-based Dog Care Features

Our survey uncovers a pronounced demand for a centralized dashboard for dog health and wellness information, with 55.2% of respondents indicating they would consider using such a feature.

Survey Insight:

  • This signals a user preference for a comprehensive, easily accessible source of information regarding their dog’s health status, care recommendations, and wellness tips.

Interest in Interactive and Personalized AI Features

AI’s potential for interactive and responsive pet care is recognized by a considerable 48% of respondents, who express interest in an AI chat coach that can answer questions about their dog’s health, wellness, and behavior.

Survey Insight:

  • These findings underscore the strong user appetite for a more interactive, conversational approach to managing their pet’s health, indicating that responsiveness and personalization are key.

Exploration of Advanced and Novel Tools

A surprising 32.9% of respondents show interest in an AI-powered dog poop analyzer, a tool that steps beyond conventional app features.

Survey Insight:

  • This indicates a willingness among a subset of dog owners to embrace innovative and unconventional tools if they promise valuable health insights.

Nutrition and Diet Management Demand

With 42.6% of respondents interested in personalized meal plans for their dogs, nutrition and diet management stand out as critical components users seek in an AI-powered app.

Survey Insight:

  • The high interest in this category demonstrates a strong demand for tools that can help dog owners make informed and personalized nutritional decisions.

Reluctance and Resistance Amongst Users

Interestingly, 6% of respondents indicate that they would not use any of the suggested features.

Survey Insight:

  • This highlights the need for AI tools to accommodate diverse comfort levels and pet care philosophies and to ensure clear communication of data privacy and security measures.

Open-Ended Desires: From Health Monitoring to Ease of Use

In response to an open-ended question about which features in an AI-powered dog care app would be most useful to them, users articulate a desire for features ranging from advanced health diagnostics and monitoring to user-friendly design and personalization.

  • Health Monitoring & Diagnostics: A significant number of users expressed interest in having a feature that could monitor their dogs' vitals and help diagnose any potential health problems early. This could range from a basic symptom checker to a more advanced "scanner" or other method of checking a dog's health. This could help pet owners catch health problems early and get treatment for their pets more quickly.

  • Nutritional Advice & Diet Management: Users want an application that can give specific advice about their dogs' diets and help manage their feeding. This could include personalized meal plans and food recommendations based on the dog's specific needs.

  • Veterinary Aid & Medication Management: Users want the tool to provide features that could reduce or supplement vet visits. This could include reminders for medication and vaccines, prescription refills, and consultations for health-related queries.

  • Behavioral Training & Management: Some users indicated that they would appreciate advice and tips on training and managing their dogs' behaviors. Features could range from basic training tips to more specific advice based on the dog's breed and individual personality.

  • Exercise & Wellness Tracking: Users would appreciate a tool that helps monitor their dog's exercise and overall wellness. This could include tracking the amount of time the dog exercises and their eating habits, and providing recommendations for improvement.

  • Access to Experts & Reliable Information: Users want a tool that provides access to reliable information and advice from experts. This could involve direct consultations with experts, breed-specific advice, and confirmation of opinions they receive from other sources.

  • Location Tracking: A few users would find it helpful to be able to track their dog's location, especially when they are away or at work.

  • Pet Care Reminders & Tips: Regular reminders for routine care and general pet care tips were also desired by users. These could be tailored to the dog's specific breed, age, and health status.

  • Ease of Use & Personalization: Users want a tool that is easy to use and provides personalized recommendations for their dog's health and wellness.

  • Technology Trends & Specific Symptom Diagnosis: A few users also expressed a desire for the tool to keep up with latest technology trends and help with specific symptom diagnosis.

Survey Insight:

  • This underscores the overarching theme that dog owners are looking for comprehensive, holistic, and highly tailored tools that can adapt to their unique needs and preferences, further emphasizing the need for an intuitive, user-friendly interface.


This section illustrates the diverse and detailed expectations that potential users have for AI-powered dog care apps. It suggests a substantial market demand for comprehensive and personalized tools that can help dog owners more effectively and conveniently care for their pets. Interestingly, it also highlights an openness among pet parents to embrace innovative and, in some cases, unconventional features if they promise valuable insights into their dog’s health. Yet, as technology evolves and becomes increasingly integrated into pet care, it remains crucial to consider the comfort and trust of all potential users, including those currently hesitant to adopt such tools.

AI in Dog Care, Closing Thoughts

The survey reveals a promising landscape for the integration of AI into dog care, with a substantial percentage of respondents indicating a likelihood of adopting such technologies.

The primary driving force for this adoption appears to be a genuine and heartfelt desire among dog owners to provide the best possible life for their pets, guided by precise and personalized advice.

However, while there is evident enthusiasm, several concerns emerge as potential barriers to adoption—chief among them being trust in the accuracy and reliability of these AI systems.

Financial considerations also play a significant role, highlighting the importance of perceived value rather than mere cost.

The role of veterinarians is another crucial aspect; pet owners view vets as irreplaceable and want AI tools to complement, not replace, their expertise.

 Notably, there is a segment of respondents ready and willing to adopt AI-based dog care solutions if these solutions are designed thoughtfully and aligned with their needs and concerns.

Recommendations for AI success in pet care:

  • Educate the Market: Develop campaigns that inform potential users about the benefits and security of AI dog care solutions.

  • Prioritize Personalized Solutions: Design AI tools to offer tailored advice based on each dog’s unique health data and behavior.

  • Produce Clear, Actionable Reports: Ensure the AI solutions provide easy-to-understand and actionable insights for dog owners.

  • Build Trust through Transparency: Clearly communicate the science and rigorous testing behind AI algorithms.

  • Articulate Value and Cost Savings: Address affordability by articulating the potential cost savings and value of using AI tools in pet care.

  • Position AI as a Vet’s Ally: Develop a narrative where AI is a complement to, not a replacement for, professional veterinary care.

  • Foster the Human-Animal Bond: Design AI solutions that emphasize and augment the personal connection between pets and owners.

  • Offer a User-Friendly, Intuitive Design: Ensure simple, intuitive user interfaces in app design.

  • Incorporate Innovative, Supportive Features: Include features like AI chat coaches for real-time advice and innovative health monitoring tools.

  • Accommodate Diverse User Preferences: Design solutions that can cater to varying user preferences, including minimalistic options for those less interested in extensive features.

This structured approach to addressing the identified barriers while aligning the design and marketing of AI tools with the emotional drivers and explicit desires of dog owners seems poised to facilitate the harmonious integration of technology into the intimate sphere of pet care.

About Daisy Pet, Inc.

Daisy leverages advanced AI technology to provide at-home knowledge, solutions, and triage advice for common dog health, wellness, and behavioral issues. By learning about your dog's specific needs, the Daisy smartphone app gives you the insights and knowledge you need to provide the best possible care to your dog.

Visit daisypet.ai or download the app on the Google Play store or Apple App Store to learn more.